July 20, 2010

Of exams and rugby;;

Jump for freedom! (From left to right; lynn, me, anthea)

Leonard and Marcus messing around with my phone during vocal class HAHAH.


Hey guys!
Sorry for the late updates again! I just couldn't find anything to update about! Nothing interesting is going on in my life at the moment~ Well, the only thing that is worth worrying and fussing about is the exams which is like next week! I'm practically gasping in worry about it. I do NOT feel prepared at ALL! I know that you guys would probably say, " if you have time to blog about worrying, why not use it to study instead!" but i'm taking a break now so shut up!

Anyways, enough about the exam brouhahas.
Baby♥ came over to my house today! I had a good time :). It felt like a long time since i spent time with him~ I missed him!

Other than that, school was the same. Rugby, run, play games, more rugby, more running, and more games! Healthy habit, i know ;). BY THE WAY, rugby is not classified as an ONLY guy sport by the way! Girls can play it too, pfft. We girls can be as violent as you are, and of course our main advantage is, we have our claws! ....and high pitch shrieks to deafen you! But besides any of that, we don't do much. There's nothing much to do! 

I guess that's it! :)

au revoir!

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