July 10, 2011

Day 3: A text that you saved because it made you smile

Well, i can't say much for this one because most of the texts that i have received are pretty insignificant. There ARE a few that actually made me smile, but i can't post them here for several reasons. So instead of that, i'll show you guys a tumblr message that i received anonymously, although i really wish to know who this person is.

This message saved my mentality, literally. This message was sent to me several months ago, when i was in a state of heavy depression (due to my ridiculously low self- esteem). I felt so ugly, so disgusting. I just wanted to harm myself to ease the pain, the sorrow and the agony... But before i was able to do anything stupid to myself, i received this message. I cried so fucking hard after reading this. I'm not even kidding. 

To the person who sent me this message: Thank you. So, so much. You have no idea how much you've helped me. Please -if you're reading this- , please tell me who you are. I love you <3.


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