December 26, 2012

Happy Boxing Day!//Late Christmas Post

Ho HO HOOO Merry (Belated) Christmas! Sorry for not posting on Christmas Eve/ Christmas day itself, but hey, look at the malls around you. Sales. EVERYWHERE. You can't expect me to stay home when there are perfectly good bargains to fight for! But yeah, enjoy some shakily taken pictures that are of mediocre quality : 

Left: me ; Right: Cousin who has a dog for a son

 My weird face with a sexy bottle of champagne. Yum.

Left: sexy ass elf ; Right: My beloved aunt

I apologize for my extremely overexcited puppy face, but christmas just makes me extremely happy. I love everything about Christmas! Even if i don't celebrate Christmas for its religious reasons (i'm an atheist), i celebrate Christmas for what it means in its entirety. 

Christmas is the season where everyone of different ethnicity, religion, nationality and etc, get together to celebrate a common cause, which is - giving. It doesn't have to 'giving' in a physical sense where the action is palpable, but rather 'giving' in the sense that everyone gives up the relentless head-butting movement with the people they supposedly dislike to ensure that everyone has a happy christmas. We start smiling at random people whenever we shop for our list of Christmas necessities. Our eyes meet and we glance at each other's tray of items. We share a mutual nod , a crooked grin and approval evident on our faces. And if we dare approach each other, we would share our love for Christmas with each other and possibly share the experience of the beginnings of a new friendship too.

 Christmas is a stream of endless possibilities. 

And hence, that is what i mean by 'giving'.
Christmas gives us a mutual connection with each other. No matter where you are or what you are, you are still celebrating christmas! It is just this huge camaraderie that spreads around and across the globe that makes me feel as if I finally have a common ground with everyone in the world, or on a smaller scale, befriend that neighbor that i have not spoken to ever since I first moved here. Christmas is just like this awesome hug that leaves you feeling warm and tingly all over. Almost like drinking a decadent cup of hot chocolate during winter. 

But cheesy feelings aside, i have to say: christmas food is really fucking awesome. (I've eaten so much omg i feel as if i can only roll around instead of walk now.)

Happy Boxing Day, by the way. I have literally no idea on how to celebrate this holiday, but yeah, to whomever who knows, have a happy boxing day! And for those of you who do not even know what Boxing Day is, please educate yourself using Uncle Wikipedia. You're welcome.
Don't feel bad though, i only looked it up this morning, and not even voluntarily. 

*It's a tradition for me to blog about christmas, just so you know. Expect one of these around this time each year.


much love,


  1. You post my face on your blogspot before acknowledging me~ should have take few more photo and chooose among the best lerr~ -.-" lols!~!
    Pls promote that i'm single n available on ur blog and my son is looking for a mum too~ hahahah~
    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year~

    1. psh. promoting your face on my blog is good enough :P! kk, next time ma. Still got new year hahaha! Merry christmas and happy new year to you too!
