December 15, 2010

#2 Rant : Haters just gonna be hatin'.

I'm pretty sure that you guys are familiar with this gorgeous lady :).
The first female to hit 1 million subscribers on youtube

And the issue that i'm gonna bring up is...
Her haters.


Oh my god, i'm so SICK and tired of reading rude and incoherent comments about her at her youtube channel. ESPECIALLY the one about her working with lancome  (they test their make-up on animals) and thus not caring about animal cruelty. PEOPLE, wake up and smell the flowers, every cosmetic product that you are using right NOW, are tested on animals. If you intend to buy organic and 'au naturale' makeup then go ahead! But let me tell you, it'll burn a hell of a big hole in your pocket. We, as normal functioning human beings, have to work for a living whether we like the job or not. Even though we have a choice of quitting the job, but honestly, we the economy today, are we SERIOUSLY considering about quitting our jobs? Plus, lancome is a large cosmetic company - one of the biggest in fact- Even if they lost ONE person, it wouldn't make a single difference. They'd still continue testing on animals, and then you lame haters would just hate for the rest of your lives. 
Oh and FYI haters, you eat animals everyday too. kthxbai.

Plus, if you want to take a stand for animal cruelty,
get your lazy ass off the chair and do something about it.


And of course, there are some rude comments that compares her present videos to her old videos, claiming that she's 'changed.' Honey, EVERYONE CHANGES. Sure, she used to have witty and comical videos, but now, she's just being professional about it. She's still the same old Michelle, but she doesn't show it on her videos. Not everything revolves around you OR youtube, you dumb hater. Just because you don't see it with your own eyes DOESN'T mean that she isn't nice or funny like she used to be. You can't necessarily be 'yourself' when you're working right? This applies to the same rule. SO SUCK IT UP AND ENJOY THE FACT THAT SHE'S ACTUALLY TEACHING YOU HOW TO BE BEAUTIFUL.

okay, now that i've made that clear,
my frustration about this can subside peacefully .

oh, btw i'm a hater, just for a different thing :).

xo, cindy.

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