December 29, 2010

2011 - another journey.

Hai guys :)


Merry belated christmas!
Oh my god, i know i'm back on the non-updating phase again. I know. And i'm terribly sorry for that! It's just because -yes, i know it's the same old excuse, but honestly, it's a true one - i'm busy. I was out during christmas eve, christmas and after that, i went on a road trip to boring Cameron Highlands ! See, my excuse is legit. My schedule was all piled up! I don't think you guys would be interested to know about what i've done at Cameron Highlands (all i can say that it pretty much consists of alcohol, vegetables and fruits. Weird combination, i know), but i sure as hell can tell you guys that i loved my christmas this year :). I spent it with all of my best friends! It was a simple celebration, but i had fun. Christmas eve was ...myeh, just went to a party at red box, had a few drinks, and that's all. Pretty boring stuff.

So anyway, as you guys know, 2011 is just around the corner!
Man, 2010 literally felt like it passed in a blink of an eye! It just felt like yesterday that i went to school to get my new form 2 textbooks, and now, i'm going to school to get my form 4 textbooks (i skipped a grade) ! This year, i made new treasurable friends, i made new memories, i tried new things, i fell in love, i went to england, i saw the stonehenge and so much more that i can't even write them all down! 2010 changed me. I feel more mentally stable, i feel much more - wiser. I've been through so much this year, and it's impossible to even try to remember how i got through most of it. I feel stronger, oh i really do. I know for a fact that i'm not as weak hearted and frail as before. I've finally gotten hold of what is truly meant by 'common sense'. 
Last time, when adults told me that 'common sense' was a skill, i thought... "what? Everyone has common sense, you don't need to have a skill for it!" But boy, was i wrong. Common sense, is indeed a skill that you learn to grasp gradually as you venture into your life. Especially during moments when it just hits you, when you finally realized that you've misunderstood a certain thing for a long time. It might not be a misunderstanding about something, or someone, it could just be about a perspective, an opinion or a point of view about something. I guess i already had a few of those moments while journeying through the steps of this bittersweet year.
All i can say is, it only hits you when you are ready to accept. Most of us are in denial, but we just don't know it, or we deny the fact that we're in denial.

Okay, i'm sorry for giving you guys a life lesson, but i just felt like i needed to share this with you guys.  :)

Are you ready for 2011? because i'm sure as HELL that i am.
Let's go ;).


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